January 19, 2016 | Black & Kletz Allergy
Serving as Vienna, Centreville, and Arlington allergists, we have noticed that we are experiencing a relatively mild Winter so far. Some reports indicate that this is the third balmiest winter in several decades. The grass is still green in many of our yards and the air is warmer and moister than usual. Every year, a hard freeze kills several types of weeds and keeps many molds in a dormant state for a few months. Higher than normal temperatures can not […]
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January 6, 2016 | Black & Kletz Allergy
As Winter begins and the temperatures plummet, the cold air can cause havoc on individuals with certain allergic and immunologic conditions that are caused or made worse with cold weather. Some of the allergic and immunologic conditions that are exacerbated by cold weather include cold-induced pruritus (itching), cold-induced urticaria (hives), cold-induced angioedema, (swelling), cold-induced anaphylaxis, Raynaud’s disease, Raynaud’s phenomenon, cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, and cold-induced asthma. Cold-induced Pruritus, Urticaria, Angioedema, and Anaphylaxis Cold-induced pruritus, cold-induced urticaria, cold-induced angioedema, and cold-induced […]
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